Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Arielle's 1st Birthday Shoot

It's been 11 days since her birthday and I have yet to post these pictures... but here they are.

With the help of my talented cousin Alexis (who is still in HS btw) we took my daughter out for her photoshoot. I did all the editing and I am pleased with how they came out. I was very tired after that little outing. Arielle was very uncooperative which is not her usual self.

It was a workout to dress her, put her in position, and then run over to my camera and grab some shots so I am glad to have had Alexis there to help out with the shooting.

I did various edits on these because I wasn't sure what direction I was headed in... plus I need a lot of practice on correcting skin tones... I am really bad at it. Any HHCC?? I could use it.


Steph said...

The second one is my favorite. Your girls are so adorable!